Inglot 02M Breathable Nail Enamel # 682 - Review & Swatches

Hello guys, today is the last day of "3 days of Inglot series" . Today i am reviewing Inglot 02M Breathable Nail Enamel # 682 . Inglot 02M Breathable nail enamels allow water and oxygen to pass through the nail polish to the nail which keeps nails from getting stained and be cleaned easily, which is a big plus point especially for all the muslim ladies out there.

Just like Inglot's eyeshadow i have nothing bad to say about it's Nail enamels. BTW it is Valentines day !! I think this shade of nail polish is perfect for Valentines day and even the Inglot's lipstick shade which i reviewed yesterday, you can checkout the review here. =D This is all for today, i hope you enjoyed all the three posts. Leave your suggestions in the comment section below, so i can improve my posts. Thankyou for visiting, i really appreciate it =)