Irresistible Me Silky Touch Clip-in Extensions - Photos & Hairstyles
Please ignore the fact that during the entire post the hair color in all the pictures is varying. It was a cloudy day, so sun kept on making appearances throughout the photography session. As i always take photographs for my blog myself so here are shots of how the extensions looked on my sister.
To show you how much of a difference these extensions made, below you can see the before and after pic side by side. You can clearly see the difference in hair thickness in the after picture. To shock you guys even further let me tell you that in the after picture she is just wearing three pieces of extensions and not the entire set. You can imagine, how much of a difference these extensions can make if she had worn the entire set.
Here's a closer look of her hair with extensions. Though my sister has dark brown hair with red undertone and these extensions are just dark brown still they blended with her natural hair so well that she refuses to give these extensions back to me (P.S the war is still on ;)).
Below you can see two more hair styles of her using Irresistible Me Silky Touch Clip -in hair extensions.
I am not going to repeat myself again as i have already reviewed these extensions in the previous post . To sum it all up i am going to say, these extensions are amazing and VERY easy to wear. I am absolutely loving these extensions.
I will 100 percent recommend these to every woman out there.